ZIPLINE | Self Contained Trunking & LED System


Batten Lights

The Thorlux Zipline is a self-contained pre-wired trunking and LED lighting system offering unparalleled flexibility in terms of lighting layout and scheme design.  The Thorlux Zipline combines architectural impact, longevity and supreme efficiency (192.1 LL/CW) providing the lighting designer with the perfect lighting solution for many building-wide applications. With five luminaire power options, broad, narrow and double asymmetric light distributions and a variety of accessories the Thorlux Zipline is a truly versatile suspended or surface mounted lighting system.
The Thorlux Zipline system is made up of four main elements.  An extruded aluminium trunking provides the backbone and contains wiring with sockets located at 750mm intervals for connecting a range of modules. The modules can be any combination of luminaire, emergency luminaire, spotlight and passive infra-red detector.  Where modules are not required an extruded PVC lid is used to fill in blank spaces. Finally, a small amount of components complete a fast and simple installation.

  • Trunking
  • Luminaires
  • Module Options
  • Finishing Components

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Continuous LED Lighting System, 22-64W
Edition: 001

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